Fitness articles

Articles and guest posts dealing with fitness

What’s the 21 Day Fix thing all about? #21DayFix


Order 21 Day Extreme Now!

So What’s this 21 Day Fix thing about anyway?

So depending on what you check out on the internet, you might’ve seen a mention of this new workout program, 21 Day Fix, way back last year or so. Then, all of a sudden, it’s back and all over now! Apparently, it’s new again! Well, there’s two programs. I’ll break down each for you, but I have lost over 20lb using this program, and I just wanted to share it with all of you!

What’s the deal?


Feb 2014 to May 2014 – First 21 Day Fix Round

I love the 21 Day Fix, hence why I’m sharing it here, with you guys! We are always sharing books we loved, and didn’t love so much, but in 2015, my goal is to share with you readers anything I think will improve your daily lives in some way! Maybe it’s a workout, maybe it’s a new dish, maybe it’s the most amazing book ever, or maybe it’s a pair of shoes. Whatever it is, you’ve been following this blog for awhile and I want to make sure 2015 is your best life ever! 🙂 I started this in April. I signed up, bought a challenge pack, got some shakeology, and decided to be a discount coach. I get 25% off my shakes or another workout, and could cancel anytime? Why not?

Well, I started to see results. I gave up a few times, but because I had an accountability group going, I came back, I kept going, and I started losing weight! Then, I found that Pinterest was a WEALTH of information on delicious recipes for people following the same plan I am. They were tasty, they were easy, and I was sold.

Check out the new 21 Day Fix Extreme!

The original program!

What is 21 Day Fix?

21df_logo_800x800• A 21-day program of simple portion control and 30-minute workouts that anyone can do

• Simple, fast weight loss—no weighing food or counting calories, carbs, or points

• You can lose up to 15 pounds in 21 days

What makes 21 Day Fix unique?


• Portion-control containers take all the guesswork out of losing weight

• It’s the simplest way to control how much you eat

• 30-minute workouts that anyone can do and fit into everyone’s busy life

What is 21 Day Fix Extreme?

21DFX_Logo_low_res • A 21-day program that features simple portion control, clean eating, and extreme 30-minute workouts.

• The portion-control containers take all the guesswork out of how much you should eat.

• The Eating Plan will tell you exactly what to eat and when—and how to eat cleaner than ever.

• This is how you get seriously shredded in 21 days.

What are the unique benefits?

21DFX_COO_ChallengePacks_hires• No other program has you eating this well and working this hard. It’s going to take guts, intensity, and drive. But it’s only 21 days.

• The 30-minute workouts are extreme. They combine steady-state aerobics, resistance training, and explosive power moves that target every muscle in the body—to help you get shredded in a short amount of time.

• Seven workouts; one for every day of the week so your mind never gets bored and your body never adapts.

• For your nutrition, you’ll not only be practicing portion control—you’ll be eating ONLY clean foods. No treats. No cheats. No excuses.

• Autumn has included her own competition nutrition plan, which she uses to get stage-ready and ripped in 21 days

 So What Plan Should I Buy?


Here’s a nice little diagram I created to help people figure out what plan they want to consider, and what both plans include. When you purchase any beachbody program or challenge pack, you get a free coach (ME!) and also you get invited to join an exculsive private FB group, so that you can feel safe asking questions, sharing you ideas, and getting into shape with a group of people who are doing that exact same thing!! 🙂

Here’s a list of the common reasons why people quit exercising, and How 21 Day Fix beats those into submission!

  1. You’re short on time (and have many work or family commitments.)
  1. You’re short on money (and gym access.)
  1. You’re stuck inside (due to inclement weather.)
  1. You feel self-conscious and intimidated.
  1. You’re bored with the same old activities.
  1. You’re tired and lack energy.

21 Day Fix can cure any and all these objections!

Don’t have time? Workouts are 30 minutes, and you prepack your meals! You can squeeze out 30 minutes, even if you have to hop out of bed 30 minutes early! You don’t need to take an hour, drive to a gym. You do it at home.

Short on money? One initial investment in your health, and you can do this program as many times as you want until you get results! No additional fees!

Stuck inside? Perfect! That’s the best place to do this workout, summer, winter or fall! 🙂

Self Conscious? That’s ok! Skip the gym, workout in your private home, and have a safe, private online support group to cheer you on and keep you motivated!

Bored? 21 Day Fix is unlike any program you’ve done before, plus you get 7 workouts. One for each day AND if you order from a coach, like me, you get a bonus 8th workout! That’s not enough? Order the deluxe upgrade and get 2 more! That’s 10 workouts for you!

Tired & lack energy? Welcome to the magic that is Shakeology! If you buy a challenge pack, the best deal, you get 30 days of Shakeology, a nutrient dense, meal replacement shake clinically proven to help you lose weight and have energy!

Any more excuses?

Connect with me on Facebook, and let’s see if 21 Day Fix is right for you! It’s on sale this month, and you can save $70! If you order shakeology, you can get either program for only $10! That’s a steal!

* *I was not paid to provide these opinions. I do receive a portion of any sales made through my links. I only share this program because it truly does work and it is the best investment I’ve ever made!

Love a challenge? Join my 5 Day #shakeology challenge! :) #fitness #shakeology #beachbody #health



So, if you’re like me, and you’re trying to get fit, and figure out this healthy eating thing, and basically living on pinterest, I’d like to share with you some of the things I’ve learned…

First off, stop obsessing! Find something, and try it… not just for a week, but for awhile, see how your body reacts to it, that’s the key. There’s so many fads, workouts, diets out there, and honestly it’s overwhelming.

Second, you need to change your diet. Getting a nice summer body isn’t all in the workout, it’s in the eating, and I know, if you’re busy like me, you’ll be running around, cramming whatever food you find.



Hence, my challenge. Me, and two other killer beachbody coaches (who are just regular people with job,and families who love the workouts and products and are trying to share), are holding a nifty little challenge group on FB. You get samples of various flavors of Shakeology, and workouts, meal plans and much more! You can bascially step into the world of Beachbody! This, I beleive, is critical because good products do cost money. Nothing is free in the world, but until you are sure a workout system, or shake is right for you, it’s hard to invest…

Check this video out:


Shakeology is summed up best in the video, but basically it blows the normal protein shake right out of the water. It’s packed with everything you’re searching allover for, all in one. I’ve been taking probiotics recently, to help with my body’s digestions, and let me tell you, those pills aren’t cheap, but then I saw shakeology contains them, along with cancer fighting ingredients, veggies and so much more… but I wasn’t totally sold, because let’s be honest, the taste is what counts, and no one but you can decide on that…

But, give me 5 Days, $20, and your focus, and I bet you’ll see a great change in your health! Shakeology is wonderful. I never have time for a good breakfast, but shakeology is quick and easy, and packs a punch… Check this out!



Do you see that?  Look how it adds up, on grabbing something on the way to work or on the way home! Before you think that $20 is too much for some samples and a killer FB group.. just think about how your life could change! 🙂


So, if you’re interested, give me a holler, on here, on my FB page, on Twitter, or via my contact form, and let me know! I’d love to get a ton of people to try this! Just think, how often to you spend twenty dollars on something silly, or stupid?  Now, you can spend it to change your health! 🙂


*I am a big fan of shakology, I’m not getting paid to post this. I’m just trying to share the program and it’s benefits. As a Beachbody coach, I do make money if someone buys a program or workout.